2016-11-22 09:11:47   来源:   评论:0 点击:

原高一(5)班龙宏宇同学、高一34班张博扬同学暑假出国游学感想This summer I went to the USA, the most powerful country in the world On the first day in New York, we lived at a
This summer I went to the USA, the most powerful country in the world. On the first day in New York, we lived at a hotel in New Jersey, which is far away from Manhattan. So it took us about 40 minutes to get there, CBD of New York. It’s a part of the city with people and traffic everywhere. Many companies, such as Nike, Lego, Microsoft, have their headquarters there. The island is divided into many blocks. I strongly feel that New York is the busiest city in the world. But the other cities are different. It’s hard to find a building taller than 30 meters. People there are really kind and always try their best to make themselves easily understood by us. We also visited San Francisco, Boston and Washington D.C. In San Francisco you can see Chinese people very often. We went to the Golden Bridge, whose beauty is beyond description. When we were in Los Angeles, we lived in the host families instead of hotels. We had a great time with the family by cooking Chinese food for them while they took us to barbecue. To be honest, I still miss the family now and then. Then we flew to Shanghai and ended our trip. At the Guiyang Airport, we were unwilling to part with each other. During the 21-day trip, we’ve developed deep friendship.
 I’ve learned a lot from this trip and made many friends. All the teachers and families with us will become the greatest memory of my life.

相关热词搜索: 高一 同学 游学


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