2016铜仁一中国旗下讲话0829星期一:新学期 新开始
2016-08-31 09:10:13   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:

新学期 新开始铜仁一中高二(26)彭芮 高一的学弟学妹们,你们需要适应全新的环境,养成良好的习惯,交到知心朋友,加入优秀社团! 高二的同学同伴们,无论读理还是学文,请朝着自己选择的方向


新学期 新开始


Good morning ,dear classmates and teachers! I’m Yuan Hangyu from Class 26, Senior Grade II.

It’s one week since the new term began. At the beginning of the new term,we should be filled with confidence and never be confused.
We’ll study even harder and be active to fight for the eventual victory. Dear classmates, we must learn how to go ahead and be brave, you know, we have a common aim, that is, we will go where we want to go.
The simple truth about how ordinary people accomplish outrageous feats of success is that they do the hard things that smarter, wealthier, more qualified people don’t have the courage to do.
Do the hard things. You might be surprised at how amazing you really are.




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