2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话1209: 铭记历史,不忘使命
2019-12-10 22:46:55   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2019年12月9日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第十六周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:铭记历史,不忘使命。升旗现场高二(16)班的杨睿涵和黄子城以下是中文演讲内容: 距离1935年12月9日已经84年了,
Dear teachers and schoolmates :

      Good morning!I am huang zicheng (黄子城)from class 16 senior 2.Today my speech topic is remembering history and never forget mission.
      It has been 84 years since December 9,1935.Turning over the title page of history,we should remember that the most uncommon years with piercing new wind ,along the red track of  wind and rain,a kind of golden and iron horse like cry began to resound in my ears.   
      At that time, the sky didn't wake up, the land was full of scars, and the face was only numb and wandering on the edge of subjugation.
      1935 - Patriotic students unite to petition the authorities for the future of the motherland and to fight against the aggression of the Japanese Empire. They hope that the authorities can defend the motherland and peace. However, they never thought that the authorities aimed the black hole at the innocent students for their own self-interest. The cold and piercing water shot at the procession, and the bright bayonet stabbed the students' chest The fierce fist hit the patriotic youth, which set off a new upsurge of the national anti Japanese national salvation movement.
       Arafat once said: today, I come with an olive branch in one hand and a gun to protect it. Don't let the olive branch slip from my hand. Please be careful not to let the olive branch slip from my hand!
      Yes, peace is the eternal pursuit of human beings. When the vast North China has not been able to place a peaceful desk, in order to defend the olive branch in their hearts, they throw their heads and shed their blood. They burn their youth and do not grudge their lives to fight for the victory of the Chinese people, which is their choice.
      The smoke of history has gone away, and the smile of heroes has become increasingly blurred, but that doesn't mean forgetting. We are here again to remember, to remember history, to remember heroes, to remember our hard won today, because there are still countless difficulties and obstacles on the road to revive the Chinese dream today.
      In recent years, illegal and violent incidents have occurred frequently in Hong Kong. Let all people who care about Hong Kong feel sad. A small number of people with ulterior motives collude with the Western Anti China forces inside and outside, and use all kinds of despicable means to disrupt Hong Kong. They even defame the national emblem, insult the national flag, openly offend the national dignity, and advocate Hong Kong independence. These anti China and anti Hong Kong rioters have forgotten the history, the hard won peace today, and the blood shed by tens of thousands of martyrs for today's prosperity and stability. Although they were rampant for a while, they could not escape the end of failure. What they are waiting for is a just trial of history.
      Lu Xun said: forgetting history means betrayal. There is no doubt that forgetting the history of one's own country will become a wanderer who forgets that one's ancestors betrayed the motherland. In order to develop and prosper the Chinese nation, to stand on its own in the world's advanced nations, and to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Chinese people still need to fight hard and strive hard from generation to generation.
      Students, we are young people in the new century. We should better inherit and carry forward the lofty spirit of patriotism. We should bear in mind history and shoulder the responsibilities of young people in the new century. Fu Lei said: to love the motherland is to do our duty to the motherland.
      President Xi Jinping said that Chinese youth are ambitious young people with lofty aspirations. Chinese youth are young people with deep national feelings. Chinese youth are young people with great creativity. In the past and future, Chinese youth have always been the pioneers in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
      In China, as long as there is a crisis, there is a backbone.
      In China, as long as there are young people, there is hope.
      Remembering history, we are hope!
      That's all.Thank you for your listening




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