2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0422: 读好一本书 考好一场试
2019-04-27 11:49:32 来源: 评论:0 点击:
2019年4月22日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第九周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:读好一本书 考好一场试。以下为升旗现场照片:高二(30)班的李震洋和方敏敏以下为中文演讲稿: 尊敬的各位领导,亲
2019年4月22日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第九周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:读好一本书 考好一场试。以下为升旗现场照片:
Dear teachers and classmates,
Good morning . I'm fang minmin(方敏敏) from class 30, grade two. With the pace of spring, we are celebrating the 24th world book day this week, and will soon face the exam of this semester. So today, the topic of our speech is "read a good book, do a good test".
A book is like a ship, taking us from a narrow place to an infinite ocean. If a person does not read, he will become ignorant, if a nation does not read, it will become backward. Since ancient times, reading is the inexhaustible source of our Chinese national spirit. "Reading for the rise of China", "reading 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles", "reading broken million volumes, such as writing", and a series of great man's teachings, no one does not say the benefits of reading. Reading makes us broaden our vision and increase our knowledge. By reading, we can fully enjoy happiness and joy, and our life becomes more substantial and healthy.
This April, is destined to be reserved for the scholars, send away the reading day, we ushered the mid-term exam. Exam is not only the best way to test students' learning achievements, but also a correct means of teaching evaluation. "the good faith", is a essential quality. Remember someone once said: "there are only two things in this world can cause deep shock. One is the starry sky above our heads, the other is the lofty morality in our hearts. "Now we look up at the sky and it is still clear that some of our highest moral principles need to be called out again. Honesty is one of them. Li bai said "three cups to vomit but promise, five yue pour for light." Describe the weight of integrity is even heavier than the mountains. Lu zhaolin said "if someone xi sky side, loyal for clothes xi letter for clothes". The integrity of the promotion to a standing in the world without it can not be.
Good faith is so important, we should double treasure more, if be to be opposite only for beautiful mark, or escape temporarily embarrassed, and left a dishonorable brushstroke in oneself memory, isn't it regrettable?
As one of the excellent students of tongren no. 1 middle school, we should take honesty as the basis, keep our inner perseverance, start from ourselves, start from now, and hand over an honest answer.
Finally, I hope that we can be honest in the coming exam to face ourselves , full of confidence with a positive attitude to meet the exam, test belongs to our own results!
That's all . Thank you!

Dear teachers and classmates,
Good morning . I'm fang minmin(方敏敏) from class 30, grade two. With the pace of spring, we are celebrating the 24th world book day this week, and will soon face the exam of this semester. So today, the topic of our speech is "read a good book, do a good test".
A book is like a ship, taking us from a narrow place to an infinite ocean. If a person does not read, he will become ignorant, if a nation does not read, it will become backward. Since ancient times, reading is the inexhaustible source of our Chinese national spirit. "Reading for the rise of China", "reading 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles", "reading broken million volumes, such as writing", and a series of great man's teachings, no one does not say the benefits of reading. Reading makes us broaden our vision and increase our knowledge. By reading, we can fully enjoy happiness and joy, and our life becomes more substantial and healthy.
This April, is destined to be reserved for the scholars, send away the reading day, we ushered the mid-term exam. Exam is not only the best way to test students' learning achievements, but also a correct means of teaching evaluation. "the good faith", is a essential quality. Remember someone once said: "there are only two things in this world can cause deep shock. One is the starry sky above our heads, the other is the lofty morality in our hearts. "Now we look up at the sky and it is still clear that some of our highest moral principles need to be called out again. Honesty is one of them. Li bai said "three cups to vomit but promise, five yue pour for light." Describe the weight of integrity is even heavier than the mountains. Lu zhaolin said "if someone xi sky side, loyal for clothes xi letter for clothes". The integrity of the promotion to a standing in the world without it can not be.
Good faith is so important, we should double treasure more, if be to be opposite only for beautiful mark, or escape temporarily embarrassed, and left a dishonorable brushstroke in oneself memory, isn't it regrettable?
As one of the excellent students of tongren no. 1 middle school, we should take honesty as the basis, keep our inner perseverance, start from ourselves, start from now, and hand over an honest answer.
Finally, I hope that we can be honest in the coming exam to face ourselves , full of confidence with a positive attitude to meet the exam, test belongs to our own results!
That's all . Thank you!

上一篇:2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0415: 养成阅读的好习惯

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