2017-07-13 12:21:36   来源:   评论:0 点击:




TengQin from  Class 3, Grade 1 of Tongren No. 1 Senior High School

Dear teachers and schoolmates,
Good morning!
I am TengQin from class 3 senior 1.Today my topic of the speech is
Honesty is an excellent tradition of the Chinese socialism, The honesty view in China has a long history ,The emperors of all ages admired a moral idea which was explained as “Promise must be kept and action must be resolute”, With the development of the human society ,We’ve already made it a very advanced civilization, But what is puzzling us is that we are suffering from the great danger of the honesty in many areas ,such as producing and selling shoody goods, commercial and so on. The ill social ethos are doing bad effects on our holy campus , Cheating in exams, copying homework and so on, aren’t they all dishonest behavior we done to our studies?
The honesty is the foundation of a nation and it’s also the basic need to be a person, A man who takes in others will be blamed by the world!
The honesty is a flower of heart which never dies and need watering by us,Each of us should do what we said and be what we are, We have to learn by heart and examine ourselves with honesty
The final examination is coming, Iwish all of you will be able to show the best of yourselves and don’t forget to be honest in the tests.
My speech is over, Thank you.


相关热词搜索:铜仁 国旗


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