2018-12-18 09:46:50   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2018年12月17日早七点半,我校如期举行了本周的升起仪式。本次升起仪式的主题为:别让智能机夺走你的梦想。以下为升旗现场照片: 高二(17)班的同学发表了中、英文演讲,以下是他们的演讲稿:尊敬


        德国顶尖脑神经学家、哈佛大学教授Spitzer 认为沉溺于网络世界的人在学习阶段表现为各种学习障碍和自我管理问题。到了中年晚年,就会导致失业、生病、破产、孤独、抑郁甚至早死。

Dear teachers and students,

        Good morning everyone! I am chefeifei from class seventeen,grade two .the title of my speech today is ‘don’t let smartphones take away your dreams.
        First of all,I’d like to share with you a piece of news:cancer research experts from Britainhave issued the most serious mobile phone warning so far :the number of people who die from using mobile phone has exceeded the number of victims of smoking .the Harvarduniversity professor and one of Germanys’leading neuroscientists , spizter ,said people addicted to the internet showed learning disabilities and self management problems during the learning hpase.In mindle ahd old age ,it can lead to unemployment ,illness,bankruptcy,loneliness,depression and even early death.
        In our capus,it is common for stuent to use smartphones.The first week that headmaster Ran entered the school,he found that some stuents wer using smart phones in the evening self-study secretly.Many stuents love their smart phones so much that they forget to eat or sleep.Hear this,u ma say:I use smart phone to study.But how many students can withstand the temptation of smart phone?I believe most students will give themselves such a hint when playing mobile phones:I will stop playing ten minutes later,After ten minutes you say to yourself again,the last ten minutes,browse the Tik Tok,binge-watching,play Srike of kings and rend novels at dead of night.The next day,you have to saorifice class time to make up for your drowsiness.Every weekend,you may usesmartphone to gang up in srike of kings,give physical power each other in XiaoXiao le game,or talk about the latest gossip from Baidu.Smart phones are expending your mental energy invisibly.So I have summed up a stecence for you:Smart phone is a big net,you will delight in it and never get tired of it at the first time you come into,butas time goes on,you will find that you have gotten downthe  rabbit hole and could not get out of it.
        My schoolmates,shake and sweep cultirate no true freiendship,play strike of king and PUBG together,there is no spark of wisdom.Thetrue meaning of high school life is to release our dreams in the ocean of knowledge,ride the wind and waves.As students in Tongren number.I middle school,we shouid not only instill warm feelings,but also have a strong reason.Only in this way,we can find our own place in the fragmented and noisy world.
        Dear students,would you like to be kept in captivity?Are you willing to be cannon fodder?Every one of us is inevitably living in the digital age.If we understand what is the most important to us and find the focus to life today,we can fully enjoy the opportunitiesbrought by the digital world and avoid the risks students can have a beautiful encounter with your dreamy university!That is all for my speech,thank you!



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