2018-12-24 16:30:04   来源:   评论:0 点击:

尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好! 我是来自高二(18)班的杨莉,今天我在国旗下演讲的题目是:勇于探索,传承中华文化 《诗经》有云:周虽旧邦,其命维新。意思是说周朝虽是古老的邦国,但其使命

      Thanks to the hard works done by these great people, China is now able to soar like a dragon on this great land. Years do not change, and same as our hearts never move, we review the last 40 years to show our respect to those who are fighting for the great further and the time we fight together for our country. The unceasing exploration and reform made by generation and generation of Chinese people, is the reason why China can stand in the world. For students, such exploration and reform means improving and breaking ourselves through study.
      According what Liang Qichao says in "Young China", " the young is intelligent, the country is intelligent, the young is rich, the country is rich, and when the young is strong, the country is strong." Even if we, youths from the contemporary era, did not made that great history by ourselves, we are the beneficiaries of it. As young people living in the new era, we should forge ahead with determination and draw strength from the great way made by those great people, so we will be strong enough to move forward and brave enough to chase our dreams. We should never forget the frustrations we have been through, and feel no regret to shoulder the missions waiting for us, and what is more, mighty enough to the great dreams waiting for us.        

      Today, we should not forget the initial intention and bear our missions in our mind , go on great length to be the great youths in the new era! We should not only working and studying with great passion, but also promoting positive energy while cherishing the good live we have at the same time. Also, we should carry forward the great spirit of reform and opening up, and continue to write a new chapter for the great work of the Chinese people.
      That's all, thank you!




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