2019-01-07 10:09:27   来源:   评论:0 点击:

学以载道,诚信为本尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!我是来自高二(20)班的刘钰。今天,我在国旗下演讲的题目是《学以载道,诚信为本》。 风吹了又走,花开了又落。伴随着冬季的萧索与肃
Learn to carry doctrine,  integrity-based
Dear teachers and students,
   Good morning, everyone! I'm hu rong from class 20, grade 2. Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "learn to carry doctrine ,integrity-based."
   With the chill of winter and the sense of extermination, the end of this semester is approaching. we are about to take the final exam.
   Being honest in exams sounds perfectly justified .There are many people in the world who cheat in exams, but I don't think it's bearable in study. Kant ,a famous German philosopher , once said, "there are only two things in the world that can shock people's hearts: one is the lofty moral standards in our hearts, and the other is the brilliant starry sky above us. Now, when we look at the sky, the sky is still bright and clear , but those lofty inner moral laws need to be recalled , and integrity is one of them. Li bai once described in his poem that integrity is as heavy as  mountains.whatever we are doing now is for the purpose of getting high scores in the coming exsms. The final exam is not only a stepping stone to our success, but also a chance for all of us to gain a brilliant future. Therefore,let's say no to cheating in exams .
  Finally, I wish all the students here success in the final examination!
   That is all for my speech today. Thank you so much for your listening!




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