2019-01-14 08:57:32 来源: 评论:0 点击:
尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的老师们,同学们: 大家,早上好,我是来自高二21班的黄佳俊,今天我演讲的题目是诚信考试 假期将至,你是否意识到期末考试已悄然向我们走来?你是否也曾悄悄的问自己:期末考试,
Good morning, everyone. I'm Liu Xiao hang from Class 21, Grade Two. Today, my topic is “honesty test”
As the holidays are approaching, do you realize that the final exam has come to us quietly? Have you ever asked yourself quietly: Are I ready for the final exam? And the upcoming final exam is the best time to test students' learning results, and it is also an important time to show students' good spiritual outlook. As middle school students in copper, we should take the exam with a correct attitude and uphold the principle of honesty and trustworthiness.
Dear fellow students, we must always bear in mind a truth in our life: life is full of tests, there are tests everywhere. Now in our exams, cheating also happens from time to time. But when you get a proud score at the cost of cheating, do you feel a little scared and uneasy? Do you feel ashamed and depressed when you face this false test paper? The cost of cheating is immeasurable. As middle school students, we should enjoy the learning process.
Mencius said, "If a car has no roof, it will not work. If a man has no faith, he will not stand." Honesty and trustworthiness are also the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, and rigorous and realistic learning attitude is the foundation of our school's glorious tradition and study, and also the most direct manifestation of the honest style of contemporary students. Cheating in examinations is not only a denial and contempt of their own strength, but also a blasphemy of our school's pure learning style. As a middle school student in copper, we should set an example of progressive spirit, establish a new moral style and establish the foundation of honesty.
Confucius said, "If people don't believe, they don't know what they can do." It's inconceivable that people who don't have integrity. It shows how important it is for people to be honest. If you are unwilling to admit that you are worse than others, if you are unwilling to lose this thin paper, if you are unwilling to let the people who love you down, then from now on, be honest, be honest.
I have finished my speech. Thank you.
Good morning, everyone. I'm Liu Xiao hang from Class 21, Grade Two. Today, my topic is “honesty test”
As the holidays are approaching, do you realize that the final exam has come to us quietly? Have you ever asked yourself quietly: Are I ready for the final exam? And the upcoming final exam is the best time to test students' learning results, and it is also an important time to show students' good spiritual outlook. As middle school students in copper, we should take the exam with a correct attitude and uphold the principle of honesty and trustworthiness.
Dear fellow students, we must always bear in mind a truth in our life: life is full of tests, there are tests everywhere. Now in our exams, cheating also happens from time to time. But when you get a proud score at the cost of cheating, do you feel a little scared and uneasy? Do you feel ashamed and depressed when you face this false test paper? The cost of cheating is immeasurable. As middle school students, we should enjoy the learning process.
Mencius said, "If a car has no roof, it will not work. If a man has no faith, he will not stand." Honesty and trustworthiness are also the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, and rigorous and realistic learning attitude is the foundation of our school's glorious tradition and study, and also the most direct manifestation of the honest style of contemporary students. Cheating in examinations is not only a denial and contempt of their own strength, but also a blasphemy of our school's pure learning style. As a middle school student in copper, we should set an example of progressive spirit, establish a new moral style and establish the foundation of honesty.
Confucius said, "If people don't believe, they don't know what they can do." It's inconceivable that people who don't have integrity. It shows how important it is for people to be honest. If you are unwilling to admit that you are worse than others, if you are unwilling to lose this thin paper, if you are unwilling to let the people who love you down, then from now on, be honest, be honest.
I have finished my speech. Thank you.
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