2017-04-27 19:57:17   来源:   评论:0 点击:

尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!我是来自高二(35)班的杨瑞琼。今天我在国旗下演讲的题目是《珍惜现在,冲刺未来》。赫尔曼 黑塞尔说过:每个人的生命都是通向自我的征途,是对一条路的尝试,是一


       赫尔曼 黑塞尔说过:每个人的生命都是通向自我的征途,是对一条路的尝试,是一条径的召唤。觉醒的人只有一个任务:找到自我,固守自我,沿着自己的路前走,不管他通向哪里,自己选择的自己走,走向心中属于自己的朝圣殿堂。


Hello!Every teacher and student,I’m Yang Jiaqi from Class 35, Senior 2. Today I will give you a speech called Cherish Today, long for Tomorrow.

The famous German poet Herman Hesse said, “Every man’s life is a journey of self, a trial of a path. The awakened one has one duty: find oneself; to keep to oneself, to walk on its own path no matter where it leads.”
As young people, it is our duty to struggle with difficulties and walk ahead. As I like the rain, so willing to run in the rain; I like my Daddy, so are not afraid of everything to be near her.
In the book, I belonged to you, the old lady says to her son, “I look down upon you youths. Although you believe a plain life to be true, you usually avoid problems of daily life. You are lazy and as timid as a mouse. You prefer leisure to study. You are really ugly dogs!
I think so. AS students, if we live a boring life every day, then our life is meaningless. There is no need to sleep for long when living. You will sleep all the time after your death. Don’t waste your precious time. Just enrich yourselves. Just please yourselves! As a saying goes,”To do a good job, one must first sharpen one’s tools”. 
I remember the Chinese writer, Mr. Yang Jiang said, Our generation think too much, but study too little. Because we think too much, we always ask for trouble. We should become a simple person.
I believe firmly a s long as we keep on trying, we can achieve our ambitions. Anything is possible.
Just value what we have now and leave some nice young memories.
Three years is a short time. We should seize the opportunity and focus on our studies. Some day, when we look back on times, I hope we are smiling. I hope we are proud.
Finally, wish you good luck and get ideal marks in every test!
That’s all. Thank you!


上一篇:2017铜仁一中国旗下讲话0327星期一:我的行囊——我的青春 、理想,还有信仰!

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