2017铜仁一中国旗下讲话1120星期一: 因为我们正当年轻
2017-11-22 16:34:42 来源:铜仁一中 评论:0 点击:
因为我们正当年轻 从小我们就知道,神是一个很特殊的词语,他代表着绝对的能力和权力。每个人都想成为神,不被生活琐事牵绊,但最终,我们也只是千万个普通人之一。也许此刻的我们还可以依靠父母过自己想要的
楠 瑶
Because we are young
We know that "god" is a very special word from an early age. It represents absolute power. Everyone wants to be god and don't get caught up in the trivia. But in the end, we're just one of a million common people. Maybe now you can still rely on your parents to live the life you want. But after growing up out of the wings of our parents, we have almost nothing. You may find it difficult to achieve your goals. But do you remember that youth is the most valuable asset?
Because youth is the most surprising struggle capital.
Because youth is the most surprising struggle capital.
Because of youth, we can weave colorful dreams under the blue sky, can make a promise by the vast sea , can be in the top of the knowledge , can reflect ourselves on the drizzle .
The power of youth is endless. It can make all the impossible possible, make all the happenstance inevitable, let every moment become eternal.
This age always says that we are rebellious,and we are the generation who just know how to enjoy.However,I still want to say,the reason of our rebellion is that we have passion and energy.We are not the generation as you think absolutely.It's not exaggeration we master the future of our homeland.We need to create the age which bolongs to us when we are young enough.
Everyday when you open your eyes,out of the window it is sunny or cloudy. A new day has begun, and throwing the time we sleep,we still have 17 hours left for each of us.
While the 17 hours, you can do nothing to past it, and also can be bustling to do many things. Why not start from now on, using this 17 hours every day to chase your dream, go to the direction in your heart, and strive for a better yourself?
Today's duty is on ourselves rather than others.Although we are not able to do it now,we should make the world be shocked and proud by our voice in the future.
There is a sentence from the Book of Tibet's lives says,as the Buddha said,the one you are is the one you created before,the one you will be is the one you being now.A buddha of India said further,if you want to know your last life,keep looking at your condition now;if you want to know your next life,keep staring at your behavior now.
Since the goal is skyline,the things you leave to the world just can be shadows.If you want to leave a shadow to the world,you had better find a further goal.
I hope that everyone who is confused can hold a dream,and the one who already have a dream being to go to the way you are eager to.
We are still in teenage years,and we have unlimited possibilities.
Finally,hope we all can be young after we venture out on our own.Thanks.
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