2018-03-06 21:52:50   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:

我们要做雷锋式的好青年尊敬的领导、老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!我是来自高二(2)班的唐菊花,今天由我来为大家作国旗下的演讲。 春雷滚滚,惊蛰声动,春回大地,微风拂面,冬天逐渐消退,三月


  雷锋说:“有些人说工作忙,没有时间,我认为问题不在于工作忙,而在于你愿不愿意钻,” 一天的时间是有限的,一年的时间也是有限的,面对许多同学抱怨时间不够用的现状,我们要品味雷锋的话语,学习他那种挤时间的劲头,钻时间的精神,只要愿意学习,时间会有的,只要节约时间、珍惜时间,成绩会不期而至。
Let’s be a good young person like Lei Feng
Good morning, dear teachers and students,
My name is Liu Heng. I come from Class 22, Grade 2. Today it is my honor to stand here to give you a speech. My topic is let’s be a good young person like Lei Feng.
With spring thunders’ arrival and winter’s disappearing, the spring comes to us. March is a new month of this semester, and the 5th is a special day of March. 55 years ago, Chairman Mao told people to learn from Lei Feng. Since then it becomes an honorable spirit symbol and aspiration which is called Memoration Day of Lei Feng.
How time flies. 55 years has gone. The world changes a lot, Lei Feng and everything about him are both gone. But his spirit was passed down generation after generation, making our life different and meaningful.
Today, we are going to learn from Lei Feng to help people selflessly, to gain the good quality of helping each other, and to budget his time in an efficient way or not.” A year is so limited, not to mention a day. Many students complain about that time is not enough, but if you think carefully about Lei Feng’s words, cherish time as he did, do everything you can to make your time valuable, success will come to you itself.
Living in a busy studying life, we are thirsty of success. Lei also sai:”the youthfulness only belong to those who are unselfish working and always modest.”
So work hard and be modest, and then be a student full of youthful spirit.
Time is flying and life is in a hurry, day by day, year by year. How can we use our time more efficient as a teenager to achieve our life? The most important is to cherish time. Dear schoolmates, let’s do it and make us pillars of our country. Live up to time and to teacher’s kindness. In the new semester, we should cherish the time, lear from Lei Feng to squeeze time, become a good youth of Lei Feng type.
I couldn’t help but thinking of Lei Feng’s stirring words. Human life is limited, but serving the people is infinite. I will devote my limited life to the limitless service for people. 


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