2018铜仁一中国旗下讲话0326星期一: 讲究卫生,远离疾病
2018-03-27 12:03:31   来源:   评论:0 点击:

《讲究卫生,远离疾病》尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天我国旗下讲话的题目是《讲究卫生,远离疾病》。 同学们,现在是阳春三月,春天气候往往变化无常,所以有人把春天称为百草发芽,百





Dear teachers, dear classmates,

Everybody is good! The title of our speech today is "hygiene, away from disease".

Students, it is march in the spring, spring weather is often changeable, so some people call spring "grass germination, 100 disease outbreak" season. Spring temperature rises, suitable for a variety of microbial breeding, very easy to trigger mumps, influenza. Therefore, in spring, it is very easy to cause all kinds of diseases with little attention to hygiene. However, most of these diseases are caused by the fact that we do not pay attention to hygiene habits, do not like to wash our hands, do not pay attention to the food, and litter the litter. So, how do we effectively prevent disease in the spring?

First, keep our classrooms and campus clean and tidy. Every day when cleaning, we will not miss any health corner, dispose of the accumulated rubbish in a timely manner, and pour the rubbish into the designated place in the school. This can effectively prevent the breeding of bacteria and prevent the occurrence of diseases from the source. What is more important is that each of us should do good cleaning work, not litter scraps of paper, packing bags, not spitting everywhere. Only if each of us can manage our own hands and mouths, our campus will become clean and clean, and our health can be guaranteed.

Second, pay attention to personal hygiene and protection, and form good hygiene habits, which is the key to preventing the spring epidemic. After the lunch, after the sneezing, after the gym class, should wash hands carefully, frequently change, frequent washing, clothes, clothes, no spitting, to keep the classroom and indoor air circulation.
In addition, remind everyone to pay attention to rest and sleep. Live a regular life and work together.

In a word, to stay away from disease, you need to open your legs, keep your mouth shut, and drink plenty of water in the spring. Frequent mopping, frequent cleaning, open Windows and ventilation. Laundry, too much sun exposure, bacterial viruses are also scrapped. Frequent wipe, control infection, spitting cannot be too casual. Do not feel inferior, do not be frivolous, the mind also wants to talk about health. Good learning, good health, promising future. Prevent disease, mobilize, healthy and happy every day.

相关热词搜索:铜仁 国旗

上一篇:2018铜仁一中国旗下讲话0312星期一: 播种绿色,拥抱春天

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