2018-04-09 15:53:09   来源:   评论:0 点击:

《自信成就精彩》尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家上午好! 我是来自高二(27)班罗忠献 今天我演讲的题目是《自信成就精彩》 无论处于哪个年级的你,都满怀希望地来到铜中学习,人们常说书山有路

  小泽征尔是世界著名的音乐指挥家,一次他去欧洲参加大赛,决赛时他被安排到最后。评委交给他一张乐谱,小泽征尔稍做准备就全神贯注起来。突然,他发现乐曲中出现了一点不和谐, 开始他以为是演奏错了,就指挥乐队停下来重奏,但仍觉不自然,他感觉乐谱确实有问题。可是在场的作曲家和权威人士都觉没问题。面对几百人,他坚信自己,大声说: “不,一定是乐谱错了。”评委们站起来向他报以热烈掌声,祝他夺魁,原来这是评委们设下的一个圈套。

Dear teachers and classmates,
Good morning.
I am Ran Qianqian from Class 27 Grade 2.
The title of my speech today is "success with confidence"
No matter what grade you are in, you come to the copper with hope. People often say that "there is a path to the book mountain", so I should say, "There is a way to be confident."
Self-confidence, is a bright but not dazzling brilliance, is a kind of round and not unpleasant sound, is a kind of pride without arrogance attitude, is also a kind of don't complain to the surrounding call to atmosphere, is a kind of ignored the schoolroom smile is a kind of washing the extreme indifference.
Seiji ozawa is the world's most famous conductor of music. He went to Europe to compete in the competition, and he was placed in the final in the final. The judges gave him a sheet of music, and ozawa was prepared to concentrate. Suddenly, he found a bit of discord in the music, and he began to think that he was playing the wrong one, and the conductor stopped to play, but it was not natural, and he felt that the music was indeed a problem. But the composer and the authority were all right. Faced with a few hundred people, he believed in himself and shouted, "no, it must be the music." The judges stood up to give him a big round of applause, and wished him the best of luck, which was a trap, set by the judges.
Confidence leads him to success!
You are all on the same starting line, even though the past is not so good, but it is a reflection of your confidence.
The brothers and sisters of the senior two, we can turn small into great. The mediocre is the magic and the study of the road to pursue our self-confidence.
High school senior three, the college entrance exam is close, so long as don't give up, no one will deprive you of the chance of success. In the face of difficulties, I write no regrets for my youth and add luster to my Alma mater.
 Life is a battle of the process, sometimes smooth smooth, sometimes bumpy cruel, self-confidence is armor, resist all hurt, let's incarnation knight, erase the chest injury; wipe away the past glory, and be ready to go.
A lifetime is painful today, three years of happiness. No pain, no gain
The sea is boundless, the hundred ships contend for flow, and self-confidence to achieve a wonderful life.
My speech is over, thank you!

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