2018铜仁一中国旗下讲话0507星期一: 唯有诚信活水来
2018-05-08 13:13:09   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:


  大家早上好! 我是来自高二(31)班的姚雨晴,今天我在国旗下讲话的题目是《唯有诚信活水来》。

Dear teachers and dear classmates:
Good morning, everyone! I am Yao Yuqing from Class 31, Grade Two. Today, It's I who speaks under the national flag.
If we compare life to a tree, honesty is the root of its survival, nourishing and supporting it. If the root is lost, the tree will not have a foothold. It will rot and fall, lose its past green and spirituality, and become a rotten wood without soul. Therefore, it is not enough for a person to have this life. He should also have the world of integrity.
China has always been known as an ancient civilized country and a ceremonies. The Chinese nation has a long history and a long history of culture. China can be said to be the hometown of honesty. "Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith" are the Confucian five principles that China has dominated for more than two thousand years. "Faith" is the cream of Confucianism and the fine tradition of the Chinese nation. "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" says: "honesty, faith, speech, sound," and faith. Cheng and Xin are similar in meaning. The basic meaning of two words is honesty and bullying. Confucius said, "the people have no faith and no standing." Also said: "people without faith, do not know how it can be." Zeng Zi's daily reflection is also closely related to good faith. He said, "do not believe it with friends?" Nowadays, the 24 word socialist core value system also includes honesty and credit in the personal values of citizens. Honesty is the mysterious force in ordinary life. It can purify the air, warm the mind and kindle love.
Once a person leaves his integrity, he becomes a lost orchid, a duckweed, a dandelion dancing in the wind, and a dandelion scattered by the wind. But the dream of honesty will always follow!
I am very much in favor of Gerd's words: "as long as people work hard, making mistakes is inevitable." Perhaps on our way to grow up, we will occasionally go astray and commit minor mistakes. For example, for example, to avoid physical education, to pick up something, not to return to the original owner, to borrow books, not to return, to commit mistakes, to admit excuses, to make excuses, to cheat in examinations, and so on. A great soup must have a slight taste, but a great trick must have a little fool. It is not terrible to make mistakes. What is terrible is that they do not want to make corrections in time after making a mistake. Self knowledge is the only thing that can be changed. After making mistakes, they are willing to correct them in time. After the quarrel with honesty and good faith, the initiative and the good continue to be friends will win the trust of others, make good teachers and friends, and get more blessings.
Honesty is the flower of spring, because the flower is drawn out to produce the perfect fruit; good faith is the seed of the plant. Because of its dissemination, it grows strong green; honesty is the living water of life, because it has its injection, so that our life is full of vitality. So let's be friends with integrity and spend time with them.

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