2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0401: 缅怀革命先烈 弘扬传统文化
2019-04-02 10:17:51   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2019年4月1日早7:30,我校如期举行了本周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:缅怀革命先烈 弘扬传统文化。以下为升旗现场照片:升旗现场升旗现场高二(27)班的强炼和王炳文以下为中文演讲稿: 尊敬
      2019年4月1日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第六周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:缅怀革命先烈  弘扬传统文化。以下为升旗现场照片:
Respect teachers and dear students:
      I'm Wangbingwen(王炳文) from class 27,grade 2.It's my honor to make a speech here and share my thoughts about the memory of the revolutionary martyrs.
      The spirit of revolutionnever die. In those war-ridden years,the enemys launched a major attack on China. The enemys' planes and guns destroyed countless buildings and many warriors,such as Liuhulan and Yangjingyu who sacrificed for the glory of the country.They wanted at all costs to keep our country in harmony and prosperity.The tough days had passed away.When Chairman Mao announced the People's Republic of China had been established,they could also rest in the remote heaven. Even though,they did not witness the great moment,they played a significant roles in it.
      It will be tomb-sweeping day in a few days,maybe someone will visit the graves,present flowers or stay at home.No matter what we do, it's important for us to remember the extraordinary years belonging to revolutionary martyrs,because our good lifes today is what they paid for with their lives. The flames of war already left us to go far away,but it's worth inheriting and promoting the spirit of revolutionary martyrs.
      "Descendants of the dragon,the dragon country is a distant oriental dragon,her name is called China."This dragoncarries many excellent traditional cultures, and the national spirit is an indispensable part of that.It's a symbol of the dedication, patriotism and courage of the Chinese people,which motivates us to get to the next step.If industry is the hardware of a country,then the culture must be the software.The development of China needs the continuous struggle of new generation of young people.As students,we need take action now,from ourselves,from the little things, to be civilised Chinese people, for ourselves,for our country as well.
      That's all for my speech.Thank you for listening!


相关热词搜索:国旗下讲话 缅怀革命先烈 弘扬传统文化

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