2022-04-25 15:40:24   来源:   评论:0 点击:

诚信考试 2022年4月25日早上7:30,我校如期举行了本学期第九周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:诚信考试。尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好! 我是来自高二(31)班的周鑫瑞: 今


Dear teachers and students, good morning!
      I'm Zhang Wancheng (张万成)from class 31, senior 2:
      The theme of my speech is " be honest in exam"
      This week, there will be a mid-term exam for senior one and senior two. The exam will not only test our knowledge reserve ability, but also our moral quality.Among them, the most important is the word "honesty",
       Honesty is the foundation of everyone in social life and the basic requirement of students' Ideological and moral development. Teenagers are the future of the country.  Contemporary middle school students should take revitalizing China as their own responsibility, and honesty is the basis of determination. Without honesty, there is no determination. Even determination is empty talk. To cultivate the quality of honesty and trustworthiness, we should take the lead in emphasizing honesty, achieve "faith in words and results in deeds",  practice and set an example of honesty . To improve the atmosphere of serious study, we should be tireless and down-to-earth, establish the concept of seeking truth from facts, keeping our word and standing without faith, and develop the behavior habit of being consistent with what we say and do.
       If we lose the trust of our classmates and teachers only because of the "good results" in one exam, it can be said that the gain is not worth the loss. The test results can only test your learning harvest and attitude towards learning during this period of time. If you get a good result by cheating, you will lose a chance to test yourself. After the exam, record some questions and knowledge points that you can't work out, and consolidate these contents. Only in this way can we make progress.
       Honesty should start with every little thing and everyone, so that each of us has an honesty "business card". That's the end of my speech. Thank you for your listenning.



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