2024-05-06 09:12:41 来源: 评论:0 点击:
感恩教育 2024年5月6日早上7:30,我校如期举行了本学期第11周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:感恩教育。中文演讲稿: 尊敬的各位领导,各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!我是来自...

Distinguished leaders, teachers and classmates, good morning!
I’m Liu Xiaochuan from Class 34. Today, I’m gonna talk about “Gratitude for Education”.
There are too many touching stories in the world that constantly tell the memories of blood connections; there is too much love in the world waiting to echo, waiting for the warm response on the phone; there is also too much warmth in the world that needs to be spread, requiring the participation of each and every one of us !
Not in a hurry to seek, because it is right beside us, in every nagging advice, in every kind of loving gaze. If necessary, it will nourish our hearts like clear springs and sweet dew, warming us little by little.
The world is developing too fast, and life has become hurried. The safety and happiness of life deprive us of many valuable qualities. Making us self-centered, we overlook the people, who always stand by our side, and the most sincere emotions hidden in our hearts. People nowadays take today's happiness for granted but do not understand that there are parents, teachers, or classmates behind happiness. So, please pause your hasty steps, take a good look at the road you have walked before and the road you will take in the future, and seriously think about how to face them, so that you can live up to your heart.
We may realize that a mother is actually a kind of time, like a green space turning into a forest, a stream running into a river, and a bright moon accompanying an iceberg. Perhaps the passage of time is speechless, but we should approach to the world with a grateful attitude and view what we have with a prosperous attitude, so that we will be more optimistic and happy. Sometimes, even a phone call, a greeting, a warning, and a warm gaze can give us encouragement, convey our beliefs, and open up a smooth path in life.
Everything should be equipped with gratitude, and there is always gratitude every time. Let’s transform all the emotions and feelings in life into loving behavior to sow, to irrigate and to achieve an ordinary but extraordinary future!

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