2016-12-06 23:54:28   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:






Hello, everyone. My name is Chen Yuhan from Class Twenty, Senior Grade II. Today, my lecture topic is to be a humble person. We all have our own pride, also have that kind of capital, and can be in the face of other people's frightening difficulties smile, because we have that self confidence.
There is not a longer road in the world than the feet of mo own, and there is not a higher mountain than it, no more than it steeped past the ride, nature is very good. But we must be careful not to let self- confidence. Inflate too much, because we will soon lose our golden key to success—a modest heart.

But humility doesn't mean that there is not a bottom line, it's not a kind of decoration to decorate their own gorgeous cosmetics, it should be refreshing fragrance, a kind of warm spring sunshine. Don't need to be quiet, others will understand a suitable distance. Remember, if we are overly modest, others will only think we are hypocritical, and if we treat it as cosmetic, it's a shameful act.
May all of us seize the golden key to the success of this, to become a humble person, learn to be a bottom line, tolerant, generous, and deep self-knowledge of humble dreams.
My speech is over, thank you for your listening.

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