2017-12-21 17:32:29   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:

网上曾有个段子,小学同学在晒孩子的成绩单,初中同学在晒孩子的满月照,大学同学在晒婚纱照,研究生同学在晒被子。 短短几句话,把不同时期的同学的婚姻情况刻画的入木三分。而现实远比段子更为残


                     铜仁一中高二(16)班 蒋宗仁
Good morning,teachers and students.
I am Liu Zheyuan from Class 16,Grade 2.
Today I am going to talk about "The Meaning Of Study."
Once there was a message on the Internet.Your primary schoolmates are sharing the transcripts of their children.Your high schoolmates are sharing their babies' completion of their first month of life.Your college schoolmates are sharing their wedding photos.Your graduate schoolmates are drying their sheets.
Merely several words,different periods of your schoolmates' condition are clearly described.Maybe you are under advanced studies and say with a smile."My worth does not depend on wedding or breeding.I'm going to make a great enterprise."
However,the reality is more ruthless than it.While your high schoolmates are talking about how to decorate the houses,while your college schoolmates are discussing the car whose property is the best,you are just looking through some institutes' employment,complaining the low salary,the reduced employment,the paper which has been revised three time.At this moment,no matter how strong your mind is,you will have a suspicion:What can study bring to us nowadays after all?
I won't have a long talk to say that study has changed my world outlook and worth outlook and has expanded my sight.Or it has made me solve the problem easier and has made me comprehend the local conditions and customs.So do we study or rest?Nowadays the competition is more and more serious,and the easy period has gong for a long time.

The same is the history of suffering, why the feeling of different people is different? If you did not make a secular sense of success, you will have no chance to tell your suffering. So study is more than just talking about the spirit of affording,we should talk about it brings us the material change, this is the book to us the right way to open.
Study does not lose its meaning.Objectively,nowadays the request of study is more deeply and higher.
There is a message very popular now:You saw it,but you have not seen it.The book,which exactly you have read.But don't you just  read it?
My speak is over.
Thank you for listening.

相关热词搜索:铜仁 国旗

上一篇:2017铜仁一中国旗下讲话1211星期一: 我们的冬天哪去了?

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