2017-12-29 14:58:52   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:

老师们、同学们:Teachers and students:Good morning, everyone!A term is about to pass and the new year is approaching We like to travel with the ship, Mountain Dew and C

  “趁年轻,好好利用这个机会,尽力去尝遍痛苦。”大多父母都希望儿女们多经历一些磨难。难道父母是狠心的人,让自己的孩子去踏上一条满地荆棘的道路吗?不是的!“父母之爱子,为之计深远”, 他们是如此地爱着他!他们看得高远,为自己的孩子深谋远虑,愿他在人生的过程中一帆风顺,在岁月的时空中有枝可依。
有人说,我们这一代不再让激情点燃,在青春中徜徉的心灵,我们更愿意索取长辈们的宝贵经验,而不愿意亲自实践,埋头苦干,更愿意遵从前人的教诲,而不愿意踏出新的道路, 更愿意跟从别人的主意,而不愿独立思考。这更像在沙漠中徒步,前面的人走过的路会变得松散,而你又复行,不仅会寸步难行,还会深陷其中,然而,当你走上另一条路时,你会发现脚下的沙是那么得结实、坚定!做事的方法,学习的方法,亦复如此。我们不可不经思考地复制他人,而是要综合己身情况而论,找到自己的康庄大道!

Teachers and students:
Good morning, everyone!
A term is about to pass and the new year is approaching. We like to travel with the ship, Mountain Dew and Changfeng has sail like unmoor; sprint athletes, accompanied by crisp shot back and cry out of the starting line; like the tireless quest, carrying heavy bags, with pines into the mountains; more like a land cultivator, spring came to start work and the care of their rich, well-off, fertile and healthy heart. In fact, we like what is not important, important is that there should be a ship of dedication, athletes tenacious, prospector of confidence and work hard. It is these excellent qualities, like passes, that lead people to success. They are also like a flaming torch, guiding people from a long night to a bright future. Good character is self-evident in the importance of life, so it is said that character determines fate.
Character is not natural, nor is it constant. Good personality can be cultivated, can shape, and the shape is not in motion in surge high and sweep forward, not shaking heaven and earth cause, is not in the practice of a great noble, but in ordinary life, ordinary intercourse or even flat and uninteresting days. From some things It is quite common for daily life can be seen as a man's character, a small army commander Zhu De, to pick meters of the Red Army soldiers respect; a trifle driver, so that the image in Lu Xun's heart immediately tall. To be accustomed to words and deeds, will become the highlight of the life of the human factor, must not have half a little careless. Ignoring it is ignoring habits, ignoring character and ignoring life. If so, no matter how ambitious your ambition is and how lofty your ambition is, you will not be able to enjoy the summit of unlimited scenery.
The beginning of the new year is the beginning of setting goals. It is to reflect on and examine the beginning of oneself. It is the beginning of courage and continuous struggle and the beginning of remodeling good character. Now that a good beginning has come, we must seize this and start fighting.
At the end of the year, I wish you a happy and successful life in the new year.
My speech is finished, thank you.

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