2018-01-10 16:24:11   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:

尊敬的老师们、亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!今天我讲话的题目是:做一个快乐的读书人! 古人云:三日不读书,便觉言语无味,面目可憎。 这句话说出了读书的必要性。而问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来一句道

  大家早上好!今天我讲话的题目是:做一个快乐的读书人! 古人云:“三日不读书,便觉言语无味,面目可憎。” 这句话说出了读书的必要性。而“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”一句道出了我们的思想需要源头活水,而这有大部分来自读书。
  同学们,让我们与书为伴吧!在知识的海洋中畅游! 让我们与那些古今中外的能者们共语吧,做个快乐的读书人!


Dear teachers and dear classmates:
Good morning, everyone! The topic of my speech today is to be a happy reader! The ancients said: "three days without reading, language will feel tasteless, hateful appearance." This sentence says the necessity of reading. "How can it be so clear, there is a way to springhead" out of our minds and the most need springhead, from reading.
Reading more useful books every day has a nourishing effect on the spirit, and our conversation is not "tasteless" and "abomination".
The book is our spiritual home. Since ancient times, into a major event, with courage and wisdom for the most. Our life still needs the highest level! Go on! To embrace the most beautiful realm of life, the happiest realm! So how can we have the highest level? Read the book. Books can give us all this!
You can't get to know all the people in the world, but you can do it through books. Gerd once said, "to read a good book is to talk to a lot of high Shang people."
You can't go around the world, but books can take you to every corner of the world.
The happiness of life lies in continuous pursuit, traveling between heaven and earth, wandering in the ocean of books, enjoying the enjoyment of the whole world. Having books is like having a good teacher and a good friend and enjoying their boundless happiness.
Let's go with the book, students. Swim in the sea of knowledge! Let us speak with those of the old and the present and the present, and be a happy reader!
I have finished my speech, thank you all.

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