2018铜仁一中国旗下讲话0115星期一: 诚信考试 合理假期
2018-01-17 16:32:23   来源:铜仁一中   评论:0 点击:

诚信考试 合理假期大家知道车无辕而不行,人无信而不立。诚信是做人之本,是中华民族的传统美德,也是中学生应具备的道德素质。珍爱诚信,拒绝舞弊,用实际行动维护考试公平、公正,是每一个学生的义务,每一

诚信考试   合理假期

A good holiday in good faith
We know that the house will not do without cars, without the letter and not stand." Honesty is the basis of being a human being, the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and the moral quality that the middle school students should have. Cherish the good faith, refused to fraud, with practical action to maintain the test of fairness and justice, is every student's duty, every student should be aware of the harm of cheating, cut the luck of the concept, establish "in good faith for the honor and Disgraces" concept to remember to resort to deceit, honesty is not only a character. It is a responsibility; honesty is not only a moral is a kind of criterion. Cheating is not only for school kaofengkaoji destruction, is self denial, is the lack of self-confidence is a violation of the integrity of the performance! People often say: "the test is not ideal and the opportunity, cheating in the exam will lose the opportunity." To this end, I hope the students: good faith examination, rather than lose the score, do not lose personality, let us integrity should be tested, do a good faith! Let the flower of good faith bloom in the campus!
It's very serious to begin to say, let's be happy. After the exam, we came to the long-awaited winter vacation that we could take a red envelope. During this vacation, the students will reach the most in a year, the most money, the fattest person and the most idle person. Money and flesh, I think everyone can solve it, and we'll talk about time. Time is money, time is time, but it is time wasting, teenagers do know, time is precious, reasonable arrangements for a higher price, good time, good habits, good learning attitude, in order to make the holiday more meaningful, everyone's schedule, I can not for you, you can in a sunny afternoon, according to their own conditions to be arranged, and then the implementation, to achieve the perfect holiday, then embarked on the pinnacle of life!
Finally, I wish the students to have excellent results in the coming exam, have a perfect holiday and wish the students a happy new year in advance.
I have finished my speech, thank you all.

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