2018-09-10 10:19:13   来源:   评论:0 点击:

升旗现场 2018年9月10日早上七点半,我校在升旗广场上举行了升旗仪式。来自高二(3)班的周梓延和李永艺同学分别发表了教师节感恩的中文和英文演讲。周梓延同学演讲现场周梓延同学的演讲稿如下: 尊敬的

      Good morning, teachers and students.I'm Liyongyi(李永艺) from Class3,Grade 2.         Today, my topic is Have A Grateful Heart.
      There is a popular British proverb: "Forgetfulness is false, alcoholism, rap, and evil in people's hearts are the most serious. This shows how important gratitude is to us. Today, September 10th, is the 34th Teacher's Day. "Three inches of chalk, three feet of platform said National luck! A heart, a life of soul. "Each teacher pays his enthusiasm to his students. Even if the time goes by, the temples are white and do not forget the first heart. How can we not be thankful for this true love? Have a grateful heart to the teacher, this can be the name of respect when met; It can also be a greeting message during the festival; It can be a focused look in the classroom. "Once a teacher, always a father. "Parents gave us the beginning of life and cut down the pure white scroll of life for us; The teacher used a clever pen to dye the color on the scroll, allowing us to walk out of the thickness of life and find the street light. May you say to him today: "You have worked hard, thank you! "
     It is the school that accompanies us with the teacher. Here we go from ignorance to wisdom; From childish to mature. Everything in the school is edifying us. "Environment makes talent. "If there is no pure land where this side is full of books, how can we create a pure land of the soul. Then with a grateful heart, he said to the school: "Thank you! "
     Society is constantly changing, bringing us into a better era. Imagine hundreds of years ago in the school, must be all men. Because the woman needs no talent, she can only lock in the embroidery, learn rituals, and kill her life with the "three classes and five regulars" frame; A few decades ago, the school was in ruins. Because in the flames of war, education has become an extravagant hope; A few years ago, for example, when we were in elementary school, there were few multimedia devices in the school. The chalk on the old Blackboard was a childhood memory.
     Look where we are now, where we are educated, where all such happiness comes from?It comes from the development of society. It provides us with a good environment, and sufficient material. Let's stick to the line of learning without any worries. Face this society with gratitude. Be thankful for its equality, for its stability, for its prosperity.
     As the young generation of China's future backbone, the beating in our chest should be a grateful heart.
     Some people said, "in this strange world, no one can live a life." However, I believe that as long as we are grateful, our life will be more vivid and wonderful!
     My speech is over, thank you very much !

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