2018-09-18 08:53:23 来源: 评论:0 点击:
该有一只蝴蝶飞过 在绿水青山里辟一处不染纤尘的小屋,窗前,该有一只蝴蝶飞过。 八十年代,穷怕了的中国老百姓,踩着时代的鼓点时间就是金钱,效率就是生命。乘上了改革开放的时代列车去谋求发展。经过
There should be a butterfly passing by.
Building a house without dust among the river and mountain, there should be a butterfly passing by in front of the window.
In 1980s,Chinese people who scaried of poverty followed the age,the time is money and efficiency is life.taking the time train about reform and opening up to develop our country.With efforts of several decades,now economy has developed and we have been getting rich,however,aren’t we happy?
Look,the mountain and river has changed,rubbish polluted the river and the mountains are damaged,what about my home,where are you?The countrysides become smaller and the cities become bigger.Living in the houses which were built by the stones without the nature.Everybody gets low.Even the hearts are covered by the gas.Human instinct which want to go back to the nature is time to be awake.When the house is full of the civilization of industry,we feel puzzled.we have forgotten the world outside and the gorgeous home,we have even forgotten we can fly with the butterfly and wait for each other with morning glory in front of the hedge.
A spring in 1912,a fifty years old professor was having class.a mockingbird flied to the place in front of the window of the classroom,singing all the time.the feather of it was all blue,except the yellow chest.after a long time,the professor turned back to the student,said lightly:“l am sorry,my students,I have to go,l have a date with spring.Then he walked by soft step,and went out from the Harvard.
This philosopher is George Santayana from Spain.At the age of nine he moved to the US with his father,graduating from the Harvard and staying there for twenty years.The main reasons caused him to leave the US and Harvard was the traffic and fancy light.he left away from his hometown and felt unhappy.So that,he’s gone.he followed his heart to go on his heart travel.
Santayana follows his heart, then what about us?how could our students walk among the nature society and school?The school we live is beautiful and wide,however,some bad behaviers like throwing rubbish and stepping on the grass also happened.As the owner of the school,it’s our duty to protect and love our school.While enjoying the convenient of the civilization,we should put ourselves into building of it.
In 2005,a sage who standed on the national mainland said:“river and mountains are silver montains.”
There is no argument that river and mountains are silver montains.Then I know how to pursue distance and how to develop future.let us go out from the little house of industrial civilization,making the river and montains green again by our hands.building a new house which butterfly will pass by.
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