2019-03-11 09:30:54 来源: 评论:0 点击:
2019年3月11日早七点半,我校如期举行了本周的升起仪式。本次升起仪式的主题为:学习雷锋精神。以下为升旗现场照片:升旗现场照片演讲同学照片以下为中文演讲稿: 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们 大家





Good morning, my dear teachers and schoolmates. I’m Wu Yuxin from Class 24, Grade 2. Today my topic is about learning from Lei Feng.
March comes with the lovely spring. And this special month also reminds us a communist soldier. He is normal but great.The things he did never give us a feeling of surprise, but always move us a lot. He is just a common person as each of us, but he told us the meaning of kind by his good deeds. He lost his parents, but then became the son of old people. Everyone can do everything he did, but only he stuck to do it for a lifetime. His name is Lei Feng.
Learning from Lei Feng , is to learn his spirit of dedication. For example, we can explan a math problem for our classmates patiently, and clean the platform for our teachers carefully. In a word , we just need to do all things we can do to help others.
It’s not difficult to do a good deeds. But it’s difficult to stick to it all the time as Lei Feng.When it’s time for doing exercise but you still feel sleepy, when you are too tired to focus your attention in class, when you are given such of homework that you even want to give up, please tell yourselves,“Perseverance means victory.”
5th March,is the 56th anniversary of the day which Chairman Mao wrote the words,“learning fom Lei Feng”. Le Feng past away when he was only 22,but his name and spirit will last forever.
Learn from Lei Feng, is to learn the “nail spirit”. We should never satisfied with learning, and never slack off in our studier. We need to have a dream and strive for it. In the process of striving,we cry,we sweat,we complain,we fail.But we never give up.Because we know,the joy of relising dreams will make us forget all the pains and troubles we have gone through.And we believe if winter comes,spring won’t be far behind..
Good morning, my dear teachers and schoolmates. I’m Wu Yuxin from Class 24, Grade 2. Today my topic is about learning from Lei Feng.
March comes with the lovely spring. And this special month also reminds us a communist soldier. He is normal but great.The things he did never give us a feeling of surprise, but always move us a lot. He is just a common person as each of us, but he told us the meaning of kind by his good deeds. He lost his parents, but then became the son of old people. Everyone can do everything he did, but only he stuck to do it for a lifetime. His name is Lei Feng.
Learning from Lei Feng , is to learn his spirit of dedication. For example, we can explan a math problem for our classmates patiently, and clean the platform for our teachers carefully. In a word , we just need to do all things we can do to help others.
It’s not difficult to do a good deeds. But it’s difficult to stick to it all the time as Lei Feng.When it’s time for doing exercise but you still feel sleepy, when you are too tired to focus your attention in class, when you are given such of homework that you even want to give up, please tell yourselves,“Perseverance means victory.”
5th March,is the 56th anniversary of the day which Chairman Mao wrote the words,“learning fom Lei Feng”. Le Feng past away when he was only 22,but his name and spirit will last forever.
Learn from Lei Feng, is to learn the “nail spirit”. We should never satisfied with learning, and never slack off in our studier. We need to have a dream and strive for it. In the process of striving,we cry,we sweat,we complain,we fail.But we never give up.Because we know,the joy of relising dreams will make us forget all the pains and troubles we have gone through.And we believe if winter comes,spring won’t be far behind..


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