2019-05-17 10:26:26   来源:   评论:0 点击:

尊重生命,共享盛世 大家好。我是来自高二(33)班的刁逸诗,我今天国旗下演讲的题目是《尊重生命,共享盛世》。 或许同学们觉得疾病都很遥远,其实并非如此,我的身边就有真实例子。 在上个月

      Hello,everybody! It's my great honor to be here to share my idea with you. I'm Shi Yutong from class 33, grade 2. The title of my speech today is the disease prevention.
      Perhaps the students think the disease is far away, in fact, it is not so, I have real examples around.
       I received a letter from my pen Pal last month. My pen Pal is a senior three student. I haven't heard from him for a long time. I thought he would discuss his study with me, but the letter was about his thoughts on health. In his class, many students cannot continue their studies due to physical reasons. "As the terminal approached, many of my fellow travelers       disappeared," he wrote. This sentence makes me feel a lot.
The prevalence of disease in China is rising year by year, with younger people suffering from the disease becoming a problem, according to a group of data released by the national health and family planning commission. This has been a wake-up call about health issues. History is full of examples of major outbreaks caused by health neglect. One of them is the black death, which europeans have long talked about. The main reason for the outbreak, which has claimed a third of European population, is poor sanitation. When the black death was fully controlled and people realized the importance of health and disease prevention, European countries quickly introduced a large number of laws to strengthen the construction of urban health.
As we all know, health is an old issue. But we can't do it because we don't pay attention. Because of neglect, classrooms become a hotbed for the spread of disease. Wash your hands before carrying out any other activities after handing items. Many disagree. Wouldn't it be a pity if I got sick and missed classes and couldn't fill my dream under heavy study in high school? In fact, the meaning of health is very simple, as long as can develop good health habits, strengthen physical exercise,and pay attention to environmental health, can be a good prevention of disease.
That's all. Thank you for your listening!


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