2019-07-02 19:19:21   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2019年7月2日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第十九周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:人生天地间 。以下为升旗现场照片:以下为中文演讲稿:尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好! 我是来
      2019年7月2日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第十九周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:传承使命 。以下为升旗现场照片:

Dear teachers and students,
      Good morning everyone!
      I am Yang ruimeng(杨蕊萌) from class 1, grade 2 of senior high school. The theme of my speech today is "inheritance mission". July sun is colorful and passionate; The party flag in July flutters in the wind and shines brightly. Today is July 1, the communist party of China (CPC) marks its 98th birthday. 98 years ago, more than a dozen young people hit it off and founded the communist party of China in a single boat. Therefore, after the taiping heavenly kingdom, the westernization movement, the 1911 revolution and other revolutionary movements failed, the Chinese people finally began the hard road of rejuvenating the Chinese nation under the leadership of the communist party of China. From falling apart, being butchered to holding one's head high, prosperous and strong, from humiliation to rise, from bitterness to glory, this is how huge energy release! Radical change of regime, because the Chinese communist party rooted in the soil of the people, rather than idealists fighting alone.
      In the 21st century, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. Yet he that walks a hundred miles is half and ninety. Today, we are closer than ever before, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the face of today's impetuous social atmosphere, numerous obstacles to China's development, and threats from the west, we must never let down our guard, take comfort in life, or give up halfway. A dam of a thousand miles can be broken by a small leak. A long journey begins with a single step.
      The new age is the age of strivers. As teenagers, we should strive for the grade. Is the so-called youth strong country strong, we are the future of the motherland, if we do not ride the wind and waves, grasp the difficulties, face the era of reform waves, so how do we live up to our shoulders that the hope of the nation?
      The darker the moment, the more dazzling the glimmer of hope; The nearer the dawn, the grimmer the face of the night. Let us go forward hand in hand, climb the final peak together, meet the glory of our new era!



下一篇:2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0708:诚信面对考试 合理度过暑假

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