2024-12-09 09:36:18   来源:   评论:0 点击:

铭记抗日救亡历史 2024年12月9日早上7:30我校如期举行了本学期第15周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:铭记抗日救亡历史。中文演讲稿: 时间回朔至1935年,历史的乌云也曾遮盖住光芒万丈的中华大...


加载中...                                      值周班级高二(15)班学生国旗下演讲
       9 December 1935, At the critical moment of life and death, the Chinese nation is deeply in danger of aggression. the new youth ofChina have awakened. Unoler the leadship of the communist party of China, 6000 angry Beiping people took the streets, holding high the banner of justice and ideals, they bravely decleared war on tyranny and weak traitors.“Opposing North China's autonomy, opposing imperialism, stopping civil war and uniting with foreign countries." It awakens the consciousness of the confused Chinese people.The"12.9"anti-Japanese and national salvation movement was launched. This movement is of great historical significance and marks the arrival of a new upsurge of the Chinese people's anti-Japanese democratic movement.
      Bernard shaw once said: "Life is not a short candle But a torch we take to see.We must burn the very bright brilliant to the next generation of      people."Therefore countless ancestors are desperate for the stability of the country and the future of the people
      Young friends, ask yourselves, is our blood still warm? Do we only show our youthful strength and enthusiasm by shouting slagans? Can we live with a good conscience as if nothing had happened after the fanatical cheers? Nope! we should always remember, bravely shoulder the backbone of the motherland, always fight for the honor of the motherland!

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