2024-04-01 10:31:25   来源:   评论:0 点击:

缅怀革命先烈,传承红色基因 2024年4月1日早上7:30,我校如期举行了本学期第6周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:缅怀革命先烈,传承红色基因。中文演讲稿: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家早上好!...

       忆往昔,诉不尽我们对先烈无限的崇敬;看今朝,说不完我们对明天无限的憧憬!同学们,我们是二十一世纪的幸运儿,是振兴中华民族伟大事业的期望,让我们从此刻做起,勤奋学习,掌握本领,共同创造中华民族辉煌灿烂的明天!我的演讲到此结束, 谢谢大家。


        Teachers and students:
good morning! Today is April 4, and tomorrow is Chinas traditional festival - Qingming Festival.
      According to the relevant regulations of the State Council and in combination with the actual situation of our school, we will have a holiday from this afternoon to the 6th, and classes will be normal on the 7th(Thursday). The overnight students must return to school before 18:00 on Wednesday afternoon.Qingming Festival is one of the 24 solar terms in China. "Huainanzi, astronomy training"said: "on the 15th day after the spring equinox, fighting finger B, the Qingming wind will arrive." As soon as the Tomb Sweeping Day comes,the temperature rises andthe rainfall  fighting finger B, the Qingming wind will arrive. As soon as the Tomb Sweeping Day comes the temperature rises and the rainfall increases, which is a good season for farming.
However, as atraditional festival in China, Qingming Festival is the most important sacrificial Festival. On this day, people go to the mountains to visit the tombs,mourn the dead relatives, and cherish the memory of the martyrs who contributed to the prosperity of the motherland and national rejuvenation. At the same time, we also place our gratitude for raising our ancestors, cherish their
       contributions to future generations,families and society, and encourage future generations to learn from them, Try to do more meaningful things.




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