2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话1104: 诚信的森林
2019-11-04 14:56:41   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2019年11月4日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第十一周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:诚信的森林。升旗现场高二(11)班的舒翼扬和田卫以下是中文演讲内容: 尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的各位同
      人若能摒弃虚伪则会获得极大的心灵平静。考试是检验我们在该阶段的学习效果,是对你努力的回馈,而不是我们用来满足虚荣的工具。当你用虚假的成绩向老师家长汇报时,他们并不知道自己被欺骗了。他们会为你高兴,可是你自己高兴吗?我想答案是否定的,因为你对自己都不忠实。 又怎么会为不属于自己的东西而高兴呢?


       Good morning, everyone! Hello, everyone. I'm Shuyiyang (舒翼扬)from Class 11, Senior two. The topic of my speech under the national flag today is "the Forest of Integrity."
       Students, you must have heard the story of Shang Yang for the letter, Shang Yang for the letter, in the hearts of the people to establish prestige, so that the smooth implementation of the reform. You must have heard the story of Chibu. A person is honest and trustworthy, naturally get a lot of help, can win everyone's respect and friendship. On the other hand, if a person breaks his trust with a friend because he is greedy for temporary comfort or small cheapness, he is ostensibly rewarded with a "real benefit". But in order to benefit him, he destroyed his reputation, lost the bottom line of life, the gain is not worth the loss.
       Honesty is the unity of internal moral cultivation and external code of conduct, the foundation of a person's life, and the intangible asset of everyone. It is also the basic moral requirement of Chinese traditional values, and can also promote social civilization and prosperity of the country.
       We were taught by the teacher's parents to be honest and trustworthy, honest and honest. But why should we be honest? Perhaps the word of Javier tells us the answer: we insist on one thing, not because it has the effect, but is convinced that it is right.
       Because in the past, present and future, integrity is very important to the construction of human society and civilization. Confucius said: people do not believe, I do not know it. Honesty is the foundation of building people. If one does not speak of credit, there will be no foothold in society and nothing can be done. Second, integrity is the way of family, honesty and trustworthiness, the family can live in harmony. If families lack integrity and distrust each other, the family will gradually fall apart. Third, honesty is the basis for making friends. Only "make friends, say and believe", can achieve "friends believe", heart-to-heart, selfless help. Otherwise, friends are full of deceit, and they will never Have real friends. Fourth, honesty is the law of government.        Zuo Zhuan says honesty, the treasure of the country. Because Confucius believes that "the people do not believe or not", if the people do not trust the rulers, the government of the country is simply untenable. Thus it can be seen that honesty is very important in human society.
However, for us in our schooldays, we need to adhere to the principle of good faith and people to get along with integrity, to get along with ourselves more honest, not to deceive teachers and classmates, not to deceive ourselves.

       Half a semester has passed. Perhaps in this half semester, you get up early to recite classical Chinese, memorize English; at the end of the night you are still fighting with mathematics and chemistry, wandering in the ocean of literature. You work so hard and tired every day, but time will give you the answer. Midterm is your battlefield, your efforts will return in another form, your glory will eventually belong to you.
       But on the battlefield of the midterm exam, do you paint a bright future with a pen of good faith, or do you use the means of "deception" to destroy your moral bottom line? I think our answer must be honesty.
       If a man can abandon the hypocrisy, he will get a great peace of mind. The test is to test our learning effect at this stage and to give back to your efforts, not the tools we used to satisfy the vanity. When you report to the teacher's parents with false results, they don't know they're being cheated. They'll be happy for you, but are you happy? I think the answer is negative, because you are not faithful to yourself. How can I be happy for something that doesn't belong to you?
       Students, take the road of integrity and honesty, there will be a clear conscience. Everyone has their own forest, maybe we have never been there, but it will always be there, lost people lost, may everyone find their own way in the forest.
       Here I propose to the students:
       (1) strict self-reliance and self-interest. Take pride in the integrity test and be ashamed of cheating in violation of discipline.
       (2) Civilization examination style, integrity examination, start with me.
       (3) strictly abide by the examination discipline and take the examination in good faith.
       Finally, I sincerely wish you all excellent results in the exam.
       My speech is over, thank you!


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