2020年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0713: 安全伴我同行
2020-07-23 10:04:07   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2020年7月13日早上7:30,我校如期举行了本周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:安全伴我同行。升旗现场以下为中英文演讲稿:安全伴我同行尊敬的老师们、亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好! 我是高二

My safety companion
Dear teachers, dear students:
       Good morning !
       I'm Tian Hailong from Class 31 of Grade 2. The topic of my speech today is' Safe with me'
The ancients said: walk thousands of miles peace road, do a hundred years Changle people. With the increasing demands of modern people's quality of life, safety has become the focus of social attention.

       From ancient times to the present, traffic is an indispensable part of people's life. However, in the era of rapid economic and technological development, every change of traffic technology is accompanied by a series of safety problems, such as the occurrence of road accidents.July 7, in Anshun, Guizhou, a bus driving to the Hongshan Lake Reservoir, suddenly overturned into the lake, resulting in casualties, a number of fresh lives may be lost. It can be seen that the traffic safety problem has become a monster that endangers people's personal safety.
       Due to the rapid development of science and technology, not only transportation, but also invisible threat when people use the Internet —— telecom fraud. Using the strong accessibility of the Internet, criminals can easily access the personal information of citizens and pose a threat to their property security.On July 1,2020, Tencent was blackmailed by three lawbreakers posing as the old godmother company, resulting in the loss of 16 million yuan of property. Under the influence of the invulnerable virtuality of the Internet, large enterprises like Tencent can easily damage property security by only three lawbreakers, and the necessity of strengthening public safety education can be seen.
       Apart from all kinds of security problems in the society, the most important and the most social response is the campus security problem.
       As a student, even if there is a strong school behind the big hands to support our safety, but the huge campus always has some untouched dark corner. School violence and bullying occur from time to time in today's society. In order to further strengthen the safety awareness of teachers and students, the following requirements are put forward:
First, teachers and students of the whole school must have a high sense of safety, fully realize the importance and urgency of safety work, so as to prevent trouble in the early stages.
Second, the school actively carries out activities related to the theme of safety education, increases the intensity of safety education, and makes the concept of safety deeply rooted.
Third, the school should strengthen contact with the security department to fully ensure the safety of teachers and students.

       Finally, through the activities of safety education, we hope to form a strong atmosphere of "everyone cares about campus safety" in the whole school. Students, life is beautiful, life is colorful, and to have all this premise is safe. So we must always strengthen the safety awareness, and strive to enhance the ability of self-defense, so that the alarm bell long-ringing!
       My speech is over, thanks for listening!


相关热词搜索:国旗下的讲话 0713 安全伴我同行

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