2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0909: 饮水思源 难忘师恩
2019-09-09 12:03:24   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2019年9月9日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第三周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:饮水思源 难忘师恩。升旗现场高二(3)班的杨璐旭和陈全麟演讲以下是中文演讲内容:尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们:
      2019年9月9日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第三周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:饮水思源 难忘师恩。

      教师是富有的,他有着丰富而渊博的知识,并把平生所学尽数传给了学生,不留一点余力;他有着大海般的辽阔和深远,有着蓝天般的博大和湛蓝,哪怕是身体再累,情绪再坏,只要是学生的一个问题,立刻精神百倍,津津乐道,虽然刚刚某学生犯了错,令人气愤不已, 但只要是该生要求,老师立马不计前嫌,一呼百应。
Distinguished teachers, dear classmates:

      Hello everyone!
      I'm Yang Luxu (杨璐旭)from Class 3, Senior Two.Today, the topic that I speak under the national flag is "Grateful for favors received, gratitude for teacher is unforgettable"
Once again the rising sun from the east, and once again the cool autumn wind, and another harvest season with chrysanthemum and fragrans fragrance. Teacher, another Teacher's Day will arrive in tomorrow quietly after your busy figure, between your tireless fingers, in front of your late-night desk lamp, . Students, another September looking forward is full of blessing, in your restless notes, in your ignorant memory, in your mileage of growth.

      Tagore wrote in his poem, "the service of the fruit is precious,the service of the flower is sweet,but let my service be the service of the leaves in its shade of humble devotion." With the pursuit of the spirit of green leaves, with the vision of the cause of education and love, teacher chose teacher this career without hesitation. There is a persistent belief from the first day set foot on the platform of three Chinese feet: committed to the education cause, work sedulously, keep forging ahead, spare no efforts, to make every student grow up, let every parent rest assured.
      Teacher is poor, without high position and great wealth, or high post with matched salary. When the evening lights are lit, when people are enjoying themselves, teacher is self-intoxicated in the sound of reading book loud, when the sound of snoring in the quiet night, teacher is still immersing themselves in grading homework under the lamp; when everyone is shrinking in the cool air conditioning under the scorching sun, teacher is setting people afire with words under the loud fans with sweat streaming down his back; when the freezing wind piercing to the bone a world of ice and snow, teacher is using the remaining temperature to warm the children's frozen red and swollen hands; when disaster comes, teacher set up a safety barrier for children with his own flesh and blood. In response to the reality of all kinds of imbalance, teacher do not abandon his own work, always enjoying it, conscientiously.
      Teacher is rich, he has abundant and profound knowledge, and passes all he has learned in his life to the students, sparing no effort; He has the vastness and depth like the sea, the broadness and deep blue like the blue sky, and he is immediately in high spirits, taking delight in explaining as long as it is a question from students even if his body is exhausted, or his mood is bad, although some student just made a mistake, making people so angry, as long as it is the student's request, the teacher immediately forgives and forgets , rallying multitudes at his call
      Neither the collapsed heaven and earth mountains and rivers, nor the circulation of the sun and moon can change the teacher's will or wipe the teacher's great achievements. The existence of formal teachers let civilization circulate in our heart, let us learn knowledge, create the future with knowledge, let us understand the truth, know right and wrong, know politeness, decorum, integrity and the sense of shame, let "kindness, honesty, courage and perseverance" always remember by us.
      We thank teachers for their arduous education, grateful for their inculcation, however, no matter how much praise words, gorgeous words, can not compare to use love and action to thank teachers:
      In class, a firm look, a slight nod, proves that you are fully immersed in, you are focused on listening, this is gratitude; after class, a faint smile, a sweet "hello teacher" when meeting teachers in the corridor, this is also gratitude; after school, wave to the teacher, saying "goodbye teacher ", this is still gratitude; certainly, carefully complete all the homework, actively raise your hands to speak, achieve ideal results by your own efforts, making greater progress, obtaining better development, this is the best reward for the teacher's industrious work, but also the teacher's greatest comfort.
      Spring silkworm has never said boasting words in its entire life, and its silver silk is the ruler of measuring the value of life. Dear teacher, you never show off in front of others, but the blooming peaches, are the highest evaluation of you. Black hair has become gray hair, schoolchild in the past have taken roots in everywhere of our motherland with colorful dreams and expectations,  and you, still smiling at the platform of three Chinese feet to spread your elegant demeanour, not less than in those years, with more profound education! You use life's efforts to pave the great road, you spend the flame of the soul illuminating the bright expectations. Because of you, numerous students become outstanding people, science and technology never stop; Because of you, the society is so harmonious and polite, smiling brightly.
      No matter how the time changes, we will never forget the gratitude for teacher; Wherever we go, we are your seed, a flower!


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下一篇:2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0916: 创建国家卫生城市,共建美好家园

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