2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0916: 创建国家卫生城市,共建美好家园
2019-09-18 19:40:47   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2019年9月16日早上7:30,我校如期举行了第四周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:创建国家卫生城市,共建美好家园。升旗现场高二(4)班的刘书岑和冉岚峰演讲以下是中文演讲内容: 尊敬的老师们、亲

      Distinguished teachers and dear students:
      Good morning, everyone! I am ran lan feng (冉岚峰) from Class 4, Senior Two. Today, the theme of my speech under the national flag is "Creating a National Health City, Building a Better Home Together".
      Students, the establishment of a national health city is an important measure to improve the function of the city and promote the process of civilization, and also a concentrated reflection of the city's taste and image. To create a national health city is to protect the blue water and sky, improve environmental quality and achieve sustainable development. Tongren City has also declared the evaluation of the national health city, which concerns thousands of households and our present and future. It can be said that all of us are not only beneficiaries, but also responsible people. To improve the urban and campus environment, we have a long way to go. We look forward to and hope that all teachers and students who cherish life, love life and cherish their homes will join hands to build a national health city with the help of the whole school. Here, we offer the following initiatives to all teachers and students:
      I. Start from me and strive to be a civilized bronze man. We should integrate the activities of "Chuangwei" into our daily life, cultivate good habits and habits, cultivate a civilized and healthy life and a good sense of public environmental hygiene, speak civilized words, do civilized things and do civilized people, so as to establish a good image of teachers and students in copper by practical actions.
     2. Start from the side and do a good job of campus environmental hygiene. Actively and conscientiously participate in school activities, clean up campus garbage, eliminate health corner. Don't spit everywhere, don't litter, take care of every plant. Each class should pay attention to the corridor and classroom hygiene, and minimize the introduction of plastic products into the teaching building.
      3. Starting from now on, we will strive to be propagandists and voluntary supervisors of "Chuangwei" activities. To propagandize and defend our families, relatives and neighbors so as to make our family members and the general public realize the great significance of creating a health city, maintain the sanitation of families, shops, units, communities and roads, and guide us to jointly create a national health city and build a beautiful home.
      Students, Chuangwei benefits the people, Chuangwei relies on the people, and the achievements of Chuangwei are shared by the people. Let us join hands, unite as one, work together, work together, use our enthusiasm and efforts, use our hard work and sweat to make our home more beautiful, and contribute our wisdom and strength to Tongren through the establishment of a national health city evaluation, accelerate the construction of "one district, five places"!
      I have finished my speech. Thank you.



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