2019-10-14 09:21:44 来源: 评论:0 点击:
不忘初心,牢记使命 大家好,我是来自高二八班的陈雷,今天,我演讲的主题是,不忘初心,牢记使命,用奋斗绘制青春底色! 70年风雨兼程,70年沧桑巨变。新中国成立70年来,伟大的中国共产党团结带领全
大家好,我是来自高二八班的陈雷,今天,我演讲的主题是,不忘初心,牢记使命,用奋斗绘制青春底色! 70年风雨兼程,70年沧桑巨变。新中国成立70年来,伟大的中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民万众一心、奋发图强,战胜了各种艰难险阻,克服了各种严峻挑战,把一个贫穷落后的旧中国建设成为经济繁荣、政治稳定、社会和谐、人民生活蒸蒸日.上、国际地位越来越高的发展中大国,取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。回顾70年的光辉历程,我作为一名中国人感到无比荣耀!为伟大祖国的辉煌成就感到无比自豪!从20世纪初开始,革命的一代、建设的一代、改革的一代都在接力跑中跑出了好成绩。作为新时代的青年,我们一定要在实现中华民族伟大复兴的接力跑中,一棒接着一棒跑下去,不忘初心、牢记使命、奋勇争先,跑出好成绩。
作为学生的我们, 生长并生活在一个和平的时代,得八方惠风,享四海春光。但是,作为一名中国人,我们要有抱负,有职责,有担当,要学会做人,学会创新,学会学习,要不断发挥青年力量,牢记社会主义核心价值观,树立远大理想,努力把远大志向化作实际行动。时代的舞台依然需要我们拥抱理想,坚守信仰,奉献社会。于是,我们奔跑在追梦的路上。天道酬勤,持之以恒,刷题就是刷分数,改错就是改命运,翻书就是翻龙门,现代的社会发展,交替更迭太快,有时候我们都会跟不上社会进步的步伐。但是,这些并不是我们忘记出发的目的,抛却当初信仰的原因,我们是中国人,是
Never Forgot Your Heart, Remember The Mission
Good morning everyone,i’m LiuXuhan from class 8,grade 2 , today, the topic of my speech is, never forget your heart, remember the mission, with the struggle to draw the background of youth.
70 years of ups and downs, 70 years of changes. Over the past 70 years,the great founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China has united and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to work with one heart and one mind, overcoming all difficulties and dangers and all serious challenges. To build a poor and backward old China into a prosperous economy, political stability, social harmony’s country. China, a large developing country with an increasingly high international status, has made great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.Looking back the past 70 years,we should be proud of we are Chinese!The Revolutionary Generation,the construction generation and the reform generation have all run well in the relay race. As a student of No.1 middle school of TongRen. we must achieve the Chinese Dream.Do not forget the original intention,remember the mission,strive for the first, run a good result.
Do not forget the original intention,keep in mind the mission,the courage to do in the front of the new century.Chairman xi, said that history would favor the resolute,the ambitious and the fighters, rather than waiting for the hesitant,the slacker and the daredevil.We should stick to the right direction and study hard. What kind of mental state, there is what kind of style and appearance; what kind of attitude of struggle,there is what kind of results and achievements.Today we are closer,more confident,and have more ability than any other period of history, and we can’t afford to be complacent or slacken our efforts.
As students, we grow up and live in a peaceful period, get the winds of grace, enjoy the spring. But as a Chinese, we should have the aspiration, responsibility and learn to be a person, learn to create. learn to study,develop the strength of the youth constantly, keep in mind the core values of Chinese socialism, and set up lofty ideals.Strive to translate our lofty aspirations into actions. The stage of the Times still needs us to embrace the ideal, stick to the faith, dedication to society. So, we are running on the dream of the road. Heaven rewards diligence,perseverance,brushing the problem is brushing the scores,correcting mistakes is changing fate,turning a book is turning the ganty The development of modern society,alternating too fast,sometimes we can’t keep up with the pace of social progress. But these are not the reasons why we have forgotten the purpose of setting up. We are Chinese,we are struggling students of no.1 middle school and what we need to do is to keep our faith and catch the traditional spirit.
Xisaid:"The vitality of the Chinese spirit and Chinese strength lies in the ideals of youth, the vitality of youth and the struggle of youth, "Our young people are dreamers in the new period.To realize our dream requires passion and ideal,struggle and dedication. We should release our youthful passion and pursue our youthful ideals in our struggle.We should build roads and bridges for the rejuvenation of the nation, add bricks and tiles to the construction of the motherland,and carry forward the baton of history to the young people of the new period. My speech is over. Thank you!
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