2019年铜仁一中国旗下讲话1021: 养成良好习惯
2019-10-22 11:49:59   来源:   评论:0 点击:

      Hello, everyone. I'm Jane Qihang(简启航) from class 9,senior2. The topic of my speech today is "develop good habits".
      American psychologist William James said: "sow an action, reap a habit, sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny." The power of habit is so powerful that it can send a person to heaven, or it can drag a person to hell. Bad habits drive us on the road of life.
Students, in each dormitory, we use our own hands to build a small "home", and over time, we have formed a kind of cultural atmosphere with the characteristics of the dormitory - dormitory culture. This small cultural circle reflects all aspects of students' clothing, food, housing and transportation.    Its good and bad directly affect students' learning quality and future development. In the dormitory, some students often don't have a good rest, talk, secretly play mobile phones, read novels, etc. they don't sleep in the middle of the night. Because they sleep late, they can't get up in the morning, they go to class without breakfast. In the long run, it not only affects their study, but also damages their bodies. Therefore, whether to establish a good dormitory culture is related to whether the students can study and live happily and form a healthy personality. We should create a good dormitory cultural atmosphere and create a good interpersonal relationship. And completely change all the uncivilized behaviors in the dormitory, cultivate their own good moral sentiment, think more about others, and strive to be a civilized and polite student.
      Smart phones are regarded by businesses as a gold rush tool. Mobile game players can't stop. Parents think that "mobile phones are more powerful than tigers". It's very convenient for teachers to use them to send results, and it's also good for leaders to use them to send notices. But what can we gain by holding it every day when we are learning?
      Students, say goodbye to your cell phone for a while. Every one of us standing here can be called the best in this land, bearing the great hopes of many people. We didn't come here because we wanted to play mobile phones in another place, but why did it take a long time? Did someone really do it because they gave up learning? Did they love mobile phones too much? I think we didn't know what we wanted. Before we followed the track, everything was in order. Now that we are grown up, our parents can hardly control us. It seems that we have more choices and freedom, but in fact, it is just a kind of blindness without self-discipline. Blindness is a waste of resources and life. It's not good to hide behind a pile of books and play with mobile phones blindly in a corner. So, say goodbye to your cell phone for a while. Repeat a few small things in the time you should try. You will be grateful for yourself in the future.
      Thank you, my speech is over!


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