2021年铜仁一中国旗下讲话0419: 让阅读润泽生命,让书香伴君成长
2021-04-19 23:13:35   来源:   评论:0 点击:

2021年4月19日早上7:30,我校如期举行了本学期第八周的升旗仪式。本次升旗仪式的主题为:让阅读润泽生命,让书香伴君成长。升旗现场升旗现场以下为中文演讲稿:让阅读润泽生命,让书香伴君成长 敬爱的老师,亲








    同学们“读书改变命运,知识改变人生。” 纵观古今中外,凡是有重大成就的人,都有一个共同特点,那就是一生勤奋读书,博古通今,从而打下了坚实的基础,确立了远大的人生目标,并坚持不懈的为之奋斗,才成就了辉煌的人生,为后世所敬仰。杨洁篪从上海电表厂工人逆袭成为我国外长、外事办主任;华春莹从一个小镇姑娘,变成我国外交部司长,新闻发言人;王毅从一名战士,成为我国外交部部长。他们都是来自于普通家庭,并没有显赫的家世和背景,但是他们拼命读书,不断汲取养分,紧紧抓住手中唯一的稻草,通过读书改变命运,实现了人生的逆风翻盘。

    同学们: “胸无春秋志难远,腹有诗书气自华。”书籍不仅仅丰富了你的知识,还会在不知不觉中改变你的气质,使你儒雅、大方,表现出自信与美丽。一个博学多识的人总能由内而外的散发出一种独特的魅力,这种内在美总是最美丽,最迷人的。






    Dear teachers, dear students, good morning! I'm  hou bo tao  (侯博韬)from class 29 of grade two in senior high school. The topic of my speech under the National Flag today is "let reading moisten life, let the fragrance of books accompany your growth".

    Shakespeare said: "books are the nourishment of the world. Life without books is like sunshine; wisdom without books is like birds without wings. " Indeed, if there is no book, human beings will stop in the primitive society; if there is no book, human beings will always stay in the backward world of ignorance; if there is no book, we will not be able to talk about life, value, and development!

    And "reading changes fate, knowledge changes life." Throughout all ages and all over the world, all people who have made great achievements have a common characteristic, that is, they study hard all their lives, understand the past and understand the present, thus laying a solid foundation, establishing a lofty goal in life, and striving unremittingly for it. Only in this way can they achieve a brilliant life and be respected by later generations. Yang Jiechi became China's foreign minister and director of the foreign affairs office from a worker of Shanghai Electric Meter Factory; Hua Chunying became China's foreign minister and spokesman from a small town girl; Wang Yi became China's foreign minister from a soldier. They all come from ordinary families and have no prominent family background, but they study hard, constantly absorb nutrients, firmly grasp the only straw in their hands, change their fate through reading, and realize the reversal of life against the wind.

    And "the chest does not have the spring and Autumn Annals, the ambition is difficult far, the abdomen has the poetry book spirit from China." Books not only enrich your knowledge, but also change your temperament unconsciously, making you elegant, generous, confident and beautiful. This kind of beauty is always the most charming from inside and outside.

    If a person does not read, he will not have rich knowledge and colorful cultural life; if a person does not read, he will not keep up with the pace of the times and will not be able to stand in this rapidly changing information age; if a person does not read, his spirit will be empty and his mind will be tired. Therefore, how important reading is to us!

    Last let's go boating in the sea of books, let's make reading a habit, let books enrich our life, and let the strong fragrance of books overflow the campus. This concludes my speech. Thank you!




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